The names of European mosquitoes. Part 9

Publication Type:Journal Article
Year of Publication:2001
Authors:K. R. Snow
Journal:European Mosquito Bulletin
Date Published:12/2001

<p>This article is the ninth in a series to be published in the Bulletin to explain the names of European&nbsp;mosquitoes. For each entry the name of the taxon is given together with the author, date and reference&nbsp;of the original description. There is also either a quotation from the original description, translated&nbsp;where necessary, or a resume indicating the author&#39;s reason for using the name. Where appropriate, a&nbsp;brief explanation of the etymology is provided. In some cases the reason for naming the species may&nbsp;not be clear and correspondence to the author is invited. Further explanations will be published as&nbsp;letters to the editors in future issues of the Bulletin.</p>

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